1.The result is, as one Western diplomat puts it, "a government in full conciliation mode" , firmly on the back foot.
2.In what one Western diplomat calls the Taliban's "madrassa, linear-thinking sort of way" this does not infuse talks with mutual trust.
3."Let's just say right now, it would be a relatively easy thing to load this quickly onto aircraft, " said one Western diplomat.
4."This was an election in name only, " says a Western diplomat.
5."There was a time when they wouldn't do this, when the rule of law meant something, " sighs a Western diplomat in Bangkok.
6.A senior Western diplomat calls this "a real opportunity for Nigeria to kick itself into a new sphere" .
7.It has been "increasingly clear, " a Western diplomat said Friday, that "the army will not go down with Mubarak. "
8.A western diplomat with access to intelligence in Islamabad explains the limitations of a hi-tech manhunt.
9."Entirely plausible" , says a western diplomat in Cairo, as he sips his coffee.
10."One day, we might well look back on this as the perestroika moment" , says a Western diplomat in Havana.